CFSCE Golf Sqn Coin
79 Communication Regiment Coin
1st Canadian Signal Regiment Coin
770 Communication Research Squadron 25th Anniversary Coin. This coin is to commemorate the Squadron's 25th Anniversary in 1996.
Op Athena Roto 1 Coin. Operation Athena Rotation 1 Quartier General et Escadron des Transmissions (HQ and Sig Sqn). This unit was based on 5 QGET and it formed the Kabul Multinational Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron in Afghanistan in 2004.
734 Communication Squadron Deployment Coin. A coin presented to members of 734 Communication Squadron who deploy to an active theatre of operation. The initiative was started by Major Ron Locke, CO of the unit and as of October 2006, 25 coins had been produced for distribution.
Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment Coin. A numbered coin for members of the Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment. Issued example: 
Task Force Mercury Coin. A coin for Task Force Mercury. According to the manufacturer, 264 coins were produced between July and Nov 2006.
Fluke Lineman's Coin. Appears to be a numbered coin sponsored by Fluke for distribution to Linemen. According to the manufacturer, 900 coins were produced.
737 Communication Squadron coin
Canadian Forces Crypto Maintenance Unit coin
Canadian Armed Forces J6 coin
2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signal Squadron coin
Coin for Special Operations Exercise Maple Pentad 2014.
Coin for the Op Athena Mission Transition Task Force
Coin utilized as unit level recognition of outstanding achievements by individuals.