Canadian Efficiency Decoration - Signals Recipients

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Efficiency Decoration with GVI royal cipher
Lt-Col A.A. Anderson medals
Lt-Col McMurray medals
The Canadian Efficiency Decoration has been awarded to the following 130 Signals personnel.[1]
Name Award Date
A/Maj B.F. Addy
24 March 1945
Capt R.G. Allan
29 January 1944
Maj S.E. Alsop
25 May 1953
Maj E.G.F. Anderson
16 February 1948
LCol A.A. Anderson
18 November 1944
LCol J.W. Anderson
10 July 1950
Capt J.A. Argue
4 September 1943
Maj W.E. Bailey
30 January 1946
Maj H.C. Bate
5 April 1941
Maj W.J.F. Baxter
24 June 1944
LCol J.E.W. Beaumont
25 July 1942
Capt D.N. Bell
13 December 1941
Capt R.F. Bernhardt
13 June 1960
Capt L.J. Bird
16 December 1939
Maj E.A.Q. Bown
23 July 1951
Maj A.G. Brenneman
3 February 1947
LCol F.A. Burgess
12 August 1944
Maj P.F.R. Burgoyne
3 May 1948
Maj H.M. Calver
6 April 1956
Maj A.F.H. Carrington
15 August 1942
Capt L.J.M. Catto
14 September 1940
Capt A.C. Chadwick
1 October 1932
LCol R.C. Chandler
22 February 1943
Capt W.G. Chew
12 May 1952
Capt H.S. Clark
27 January 1945
Maj A.M. Clark
30 September 1944
Maj S.V. Cogdell
15 August 1942
LCol J.D. Conover
13 December 1941
LCol F.B. Conrad
26 August 1944
A/Maj J.E.A. Crowe
4 November 1944
Maj T.P. Davidson
10 February 1945
Capt G.F. Davidson
23 August 1954
Capt R.A. de Valter
8 August 1936
Maj H.B. Dean
18 September 1943
Maj J.H. Deane
15 December 1952
Maj J.A. Deitz
15 August 1942
Maj A. Driver
22 February 1943
Maj R.G. Dumont
22 July 1957
Maj W.J.A. Easterbrook
15 September 1945
LCol J.W. Ellinthorpe
21 November 1936
LCol L.G. Eon
7 December 1946
T/LCol M.G. Evans
3 April 1943
Maj C.G.E. Feick
31 January 1949
Maj D.H. Finlayson
22 February 1943
Capt J.T. Freeman
29 January 1944
LCol G.O. Gamble
10 February 1945
Maj E.J. Gignac
21 November 1942
LCol E.R. Gill
11 January 1947
Maj F.W. Gilroy
27 January 1945
Maj D. Grant
29 September 1945
LCol B.W.G. Grover
4 November 1944
Maj B. Gwynne
29 January 1944
Maj J.H.P. Hadfield
19 January 1953
Maj H.S. Hadwin
16 December 1944
LCol D.F. Hansford
24 October 1955
T/Maj W.R.W. Henderson
22 April 1944
LCol R.D. Heustis
15 September 1945
Maj A.J. Hewton
15 September 1945
Maj J.L. Holman
22 February 1943
Maj B.F. Holmes
15 August 1942
Capt H.G.A. Humphreys
30 January 1946
Capt J.G. James
29 January 1944
Maj F.S. Jenkins
28 September 1953
Maj R.H. Jenner
24 March 1945
LCol J.W. Johanson
1 April 1944
Maj L.W. Johnson
11 January 1947
LCol K.MacG. Johnston
6 October 1952
Maj H.G. Kent
30 June 1952
Maj W.A. Kyle
22 May 1937
Capt(Lt.Col) B. Lake
15 August 1942
LCol W.W. Lambert
15 August 1942
Capt P.D. Lawrence
21 November 1942
Maj J.D. Lennie
28 February 1949
Maj W.E. Leppard
22 February 1943
LCol J.R. Low
15 August 1942
Maj J.C. MacKeen
15 August 1942
Maj I. MacLean
30 May 1955
Capt L.F. Macdonald
13 December 1941
LCol D.P. McCallum
16 June 1934
Maj G.A. McClellan
30 October 1943
LCol V.S.C. McClenaghan
25 April 1942
Maj O.D. McCooey
5 April 1941
Maj C.S. McKee
1 May 1936
LCol W.H. McMurray
4 August 1945
Lt H.W. McPhail
23 April 1938
Capt J. Mehan
24 July 1943
Capt W.A. Millar
21 April 1945
Maj J.J. Milloy
23 April 1938
Maj H.V. Mills
18 July 1949
LCol W.H. Moore
29 March 1954
Capt W.C. Morgan
26 August 1944
Maj W.S. Morse
27 May 1944
Capt J.H. Neeland
3 April 1937
Capt W.J. Nesbitt
15 July 1935
LCol F.J. North
15 August 1942
LCol W.I. Nurse
15 August 1942
Maj R.C. Oaks
6 December 1948
Capt J.L.V.A. Paradis
15 August 1942
Maj W.G. Partridge
28 February 1949
Maj F.R. Perrott
15 July 1935
Capt J.E. Phelps
14 October 1957
LCol H. Pryde
27 December 1941
LCol F.M. Reardon
6 October 1952
LCol H.D. Rice
22 February 1943
Maj C.L. Roach
15 September 1945
A/Maj J.H. Sanderson
18 November 1944
Capt C. Sandhurst
24 March 1945
A/Maj J. Sanson
15 August 1942
Maj E.L. Scott
21 November 1942
LCol W.R. Scrimes
18 February 1957
Maj H.A. Secord
9 December 1933
LCol P.F. Seymour
22 July 1939
Capt W.A. Smith
1 January 1938
Capt C.W.L. Spencer
2 February 1946
LCol F.J. Storey
29 December 1947
Maj E.C. Talbot
17 August 1953
Maj J.A. Taylor
23 August 1954
A/Maj B.C. Tebbs
22 February 1943
Capt G.W. Theakston
25 August 1952
LCol J.H. Townsend
18 January 1954
A/Maj G.A. Verge
24 October 1955
Maj D. Wade
7 December 1946
Capt H.F. Wade
22 February 1943
A/Maj C.V. Walters
18 May 1946
A/LCol R.H. Widdifield
27 January 1945
LCol W.E. Williams
1 May 1950
Maj C.G.R. Williams
10 February 1945
Maj J.L. Willis
15 August 1942
Capt R.F. Wilson
4 August 1947
Maj J.D. Wilson
22 April 1944


  1. Data compiled from multiple sources including The London Gazette, Library and Archives Canada, History of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals 1903-1961 and Semaphore to Satellite