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Sweetheart and Lapel Pins (General)
Divisional Signal Company lapel pin (front). Sterling silver and gilt lapel pin for the DIVISIONAL SIGNAL COMPANY containing the badge of the Canadian Engineers. During the early period of WWI, signalling companies came under the command and control of the Engineer branch.
Engineer Signal lapel pin. This pin shows the Engineer's crest with a 'Signals' banner underneath in silver.
Engineer Signal lapel pin. This pin shows the Engineer's crest with a 'Signals' banner underneath in brass.
CEF Signaller sweetheart pin.
Canadian Corps of Signals lapel pin #2. This version of the CCS lapel pin has a banner at the bottom for 3rd Divisional Signals.
An interesting lapel pin for the 1st Canadian Army Signals in WWII. The backing anchor (10 mm W x 18 mm H) is a single piece to which the enamelled crest is affixed.
RCCS KC sweetheart pin made of silver.
RCCS KC sweetheart pin. Made of silver and hallmarked sterling. Found with makers marks either Birks or Birks-Ellis.
RCCS (KC) Sweetheart Pin Type #2. Marked sterling on the reverse.
RCCS KC jewelry crest. A jeweller's crest that could be attached to various items such as rings, lighters etc.
RCCS (KC) Sweetheart Pin Type #3.
RCCS (KC) Sweetheart Pin Type #4.
RCCS (KC) Sweetheart Pin Type #5.
RCCS (KC) Sweetheart Pin Type #6.
Lapel pin for the 75th Anniversary of Canadian Signals.
Lapel pin for the 80th Anniversary of Canadian Signals.
Lapel pin for the 50th Anniversary of Vimy Barracks in 1987.
Lapel pin for the 90th Anniversary of Canadian Signals.
Alberta Signals 75th Anniversary pin.
Alberta Signals 80th Anniversary pin.
Lapel pin for the 95th Anniversary of Canadian Signals.
Lapel pin for the 50th Anniversary of the RCAF Telecommunications Branch
Lapel pin for 1st Canadian Signal Regiment
CSC Sweetheart Pins
Various CSC sweetheart pins. There are many variations of this badge with different enamel colours and use. Differences between badges include material (brass or silver), colour of right flag (correct is one blue stripe), colour of enamelled scroll and colour, or lack of, on the letters CSC.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #1. Green/blue/green letters, blue banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #2. Blue/red/white letters, blue banner, inverted flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #3. Plain letters, blue banner, inverted flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #4. Blue/white/blue letters, blue/red/blue banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #5. Blue/white/blue letters, red/blue/red banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #6. Silver with red/blue/red letters, blue/red/blue banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #7. Silver with red/white/blue letters, blue banner, inverted flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #8. Silver with light blue/blue/green letters, blue banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #9. Gilt with red/blue/red letters and banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #10. Silver with blue/red/blue letters and banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #11. Silver with red/blue/red letters and banner, proper flag colours.
CSC Sweetheart Pin #12. Gilt with red/blue/white letters, blue banner, inverted flag colours.