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In 1934 the construction of a permanent Signal Training Centre at Barriefield was authorized as an unemployment relief project. Colonel Elroy Forde was responsible for the construction project. On 25 May 1935 the Governor General, The Earl of Bessborough, laid the cornerstone of what would later be named the Forde Building. Engraved on the stone, visible on he North-East corner of the building, is the motto: PER ARDUA AD REM - THE PURPOSE HELD THROUGH DIFFICULTIES. Accompanying the Governor General was the Chief of the General Staff, Major-General A.G.L. McNaughton, whose address during the ceremony is etched on the wall of the foyer of the main entrance to the building for all to read. Construction continued until, on 23 August 1937, the Canadian Signal Training Centre (CSTC) opened at Vimy Barracks. Colonel S.A. Lee, commandant of CSTC in Camp Borden, Ontario, moved the school to Kingston and was its first commandant. He turned over command to Colonel Forde the next month. On the occasion of Colonel Forde's retirement in 1942, the building was named in his honour.
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Trades Company Vimy Barracks 27 July 1943
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Photo and text from Capt Farkes' article in C&E Newsletter Volume 32.