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88 Signal Regiment

August 1988 – 1988
88 Sig Regt
88 Signal Regiment was a Canadian Signals unit created for Canada's contribution to the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group (UNIIMOG) in 1988. Twenty-five countries deployed personnel to both countries acting as United Nations Military Observers (UNMOs) to include Canada. In addition, the Canadian Military sent in over 200 Signal and Support specialists to provide the High Frequency (HF) communications link along the ceasefire line and back to the respective headquarters stationed in both countries to include strategic links to UN Headquarters and Canada.
88 Signal Regiment consisted of two Squadrons, one for each side of the border, with 881 Signal Squadron deployed to the Iranian side and 882 Signal Squadron deployed to Iraqi side of the cease fire line.
881 Signal Squadron
882 Signal Squadron
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881 Signal Squadron - Chowl Zari Team Site
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881 Signal Squadron - Chowl Zari Team photo (12)
881 Signal Squadron - Chowl Zari Team photo (13)
881 Signal Squadron - Chowl Zari Team photo (14)
881 Signal Squadron - Chowl Zari Team photo (2)
881 Signal Squadron - Chowl Zari Team photo (9)